Museum Director


Responsible for all aspects of care, management, and operations of the Museum. Develops and implements sound policies and procedures for the care and use of the permanent collection according to high professional standards. This area of responsibility includes conservation, preservation, documentation, exhibition, accessibility, interpretation and acquisition. Develops programs of exhibitions and other activities specifically directed toward making the Museum a dynamic teaching tool for undergraduates and graduate students and concomitantly for the general public. May teach courses. Takes a direct, personal role in fundraising activities for the Museum, including on-going stewardship of benefactors and potential benefactors. Has overall responsibility for the financial condition of the Museum and actively promotes efforts in all areas to balance the budget and control operating costs. Establishes outreach policies to make the educational program of the Museum available to a broad public audience, particularly in local communities. Education and Experience: Academic training in art history at the graduate level, Ph.D. preferred, and 7 to 10 years museum management experience. Demonstrated administrative, managerial, and fund-raising abilities. The primary duty of employees in this classification is the management of a customarily recognized department or subdivision, including the supervision of three or more full-time equivalent employees every week. Direction is over a permanent status-continuing function, not a collection of employees assigned to complete a project. Management duties include interviewing, selecting and training of employees; setting and adjusting their rates of pay and hours of work; planning and directing their work; appraising their productivity and efficiency for the purpose of recommending promotions or other changes in their status; handling their complaints and grievances and disciplining them when necessary. Management responsibilities include the authority to hire, fire, or promote assigned employees or make recommendations that are given particular weight. Employees have impact on budgeting, controlling costs, planning, scheduling, and procedural change. Under FLSA, this is the exempt job classification for this title. Incumbents in this position must meet the full criteria for exempt status: salary level, salary basis, and duties tests.